English is just not English
IELTS MEISTER focuses on giving students a completely new international standard IELTS & Communication English learning experience, with an absolute commitment to training quality!

Courses at IELTS MEISTER help students approach practical and creative English learning methods according to the motto: "English is not theory, but Action" - "English has never been a theory, You are the action.

What does IELTS Meister bring to you?

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The roadmap is designed to suit students, students and working people to serve the IELTS exam or to communicate in life and work.

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Study abroad

The course at IELTS MEISTER will help you get an output of 6.5+ to be able to fulfill your dream of studying abroad.

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In addition to teaching the English language, IELTS MEISTER also has extra-curricular activities from experts in many fields to help students get more useful advice for future plans.


Study at the center

When coming to IELTS MEISTER center, students will experience a creative learning space, provided with useful lectures and enthusiastic and attentive customer service.


Study at the office

When it is not possible to come to the IELTS MEISTER center to participate in the course, working students can study online via computers or phones to save study time and optimize their work.


Study at home

Learning online with a native teacher at home will help students, students and working people have an English environment that is no different from offline learning and always have high interaction and fun after each lesson.


Study anywhere

With just a phone in hand, students can use IELTS MEISTER's free online learning app to review their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. In addition, students can improve their pronunciation skills through the application of MY ELT.


Quality courses are available at IeltsMeister, select a course below to view a short description of the course

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The team of teachers who are teaching and working at IeltsMeister will try to bring you the best learning service.


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Rated capacity

IELTS MEISTER's online test includes 4 skills (Speaking-Listening-Reading-Writing) will help students know exactly their current English level in terms of strengths and points to overcome. After completing the test, students will be able to test their speaking skills 1:1 with the instructor to better understand the points that need to be improved for their skills. This online test is completely free, so students, students and working people, please take the test to get useful tips from IELTS MEISTER to develop your English. "To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world" - "Knowing a language will help us better understand the world we live in"

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